I LOVE free things, like most people due. I know this brilliant lady who is a couponer. It is a hobby you must be completely devoted to...I envy her. After reading her blogs about all her savings I couldn't believe it! I have no skill in couponing but I did receive a free Starbucks coupon.

On a trip to Starbucks I has randomly selected for a survey, which is always printed out on the receipt. I usually never go online and fill out customer surveys but since I had downtime a work I decided too. It tool nearly 5 minutes and I received a free drink after finishing. So the next time you see the survey on the receipt take the time to fill it out online. You never know what you might end up receiving for you time and business. With it being such a nasty day outside my FREE Starbucks will be an awesome treat. Hopefully there isn't some kind of limit on what your allowed to order...we'll see.
Thrift stores and coupons... YAY! I spend in one year what some spend in a month at the mall! Girl... you need to come thrifting with me sometime!
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