One of my greatest fears was always ether getting cancer or someone close to me getting it. Its a devastating idea and reality is even more gruesome. My 9 year old niece has been battling cancer for a little over a year now. Its heartbreaks to lay eyes on a tired sick child, however Makayla has never lost the light in her eyes. Shes an absolute firecracker and smart as a tack. She knows as well as all of us that she might not make it but the 5% chance she holds on to, keeps fighting a little harder everyday.

Heres a little information on what kind of cancer she has:
Cancer: Glioblastoma
Affects: The brain
Definition:A fast-growing type of central nervous system tumor that forms from glial (supportive) tissue of the brain and spinal cord and has cells that look very different from normal cells. Glioblastoma usually occurs in adults and affects the brain more often than the spinal cord. Also called GBM, glioblastoma multiforme, and grade IV astrocytoma.
Only about one out of every four patients with this type of tumor survives two years
Makayla like I said is only 9 and her cancer has moved to her spinal cord. Slowly but surely this monster is eating her alive. Cancer can happen to anyone, no matter what age, male or female, or what you did growing up. Until we find a cure this simple disease will complicate so many lives, bringing death and pain.

Maykala is a patient at St. Jude Childerns Hospital in Memphis. There she can get the treatment and attention she needs without paying a dime. They are fantastic people. The organization, I feel was our only source of hope, to help her get better. St. Jude is that single ray of light you see in the darkest places. So if your feeling you giving and want to donate pick St. Jude. If people keeps donating then the more lives they can save and the futher they can come to finding a cure for Makayla and all others.
Makayla has a webpage. Be sure to visit her and sign her guest book!
I would love to post Makayla on our "Pray for the Children" blog if that is ok with you guys! Is Makayla here in Kentucky?
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