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??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Something To Talk About? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.2 (125 Ratings)??1 Grab Today. 29056 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Green Fairy? ????? ?????? ???Rati CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Change the world

"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. "
~ Jack Kerouac
I started filling out my Peace Corp application today!
Pray for Kayla today, they have moved her MRI up.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Start of the weekend.

Friday after noon I went to watch the East Jessamine High School talent show. I am just a sucker for raw talent. This one young man wrote and sung with this awesome R&B song. You can tell he really thought about his word choice, he put his heart into those verses. When I see any young individual create something that listen worthy it gives me chill bumps. Its one thing if you can produce music but can you make it? Raw talent is inside of you its not anything you can learn. Listening and seeing this young folks excite me. One young lady signed a gospel song, brought tears to my eyes. Music its beautiful even if you cant hear it. The sight of the passion she had with each sign she made was heart whelming. She received first place along with another couple who preformed their own version of a Mary J Blige song. The young lady created her own piano arrangement and played to to perfection. The amazing raw talent I seen absolutely made my day.
Okay has many Kentucky fans know Mr. Billy G received his pink slip, got the dismissal. I was eating at Malones last night. My friend Sarah is an employee there; she receives 40% off for her whole party, we also receive free dessert...its a expensive meal for half the price! Anyway she mentioned how Billy G is always there at the bar. I expresses how I doubt he'll be joining us Kentuckians tonight. Id be damned if he didn't have the balls to walk through that door!!!! He meet an older man for dinner. I wanted to take a picture to post to see if anybody maybe knew who he was, however the mood lighting was too dark.
Well I have tendinitis in my foot. It hurts really bad!!! I hate that Im missing work considering how much I love working at the dress shop. I decided to stay off my foot like the doctor prescribed at my dads house. I figured I would be able to see my nieces! Makayla is not doing good today. She had a really bad seizure yesterday which is causing her to have seizure activity today. Please pray for her. Some days are harder than others but we shall keep fighting.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Support the fight against cancer

One of my greatest fears was always ether getting cancer or someone close to me getting it. Its a devastating idea and reality is even more gruesome. My 9 year old niece has been battling cancer for a little over a year now. Its heartbreaks to lay eyes on a tired sick child, however Makayla has never lost the light in her eyes. Shes an absolute firecracker and smart as a tack. She knows as well as all of us that she might not make it but the 5% chance she holds on to, keeps fighting a little harder everyday.

Heres a little information on what kind of cancer she has:
Cancer: Glioblastoma

Affects: The brain

Definition:A fast-growing type of central nervous system tumor that forms from glial (supportive) tissue of the brain and spinal cord and has cells that look very different from normal cells. Glioblastoma usually occurs in adults and affects the brain more often than the spinal cord. Also called GBM, glioblastoma multiforme, and grade IV astrocytoma.

Only about one out of every four patients with this type of tumor survives two years

Makayla like I said is only 9 and her cancer has moved to her spinal cord. Slowly but surely this monster is eating her alive. Cancer can happen to anyone, no matter what age, male or female, or what you did growing up. Until we find a cure this simple disease will complicate so many lives, bringing death and pain.

Maykala is a patient at St. Jude Childerns Hospital in Memphis. There she can get the treatment and attention she needs without paying a dime. They are fantastic people. The organization, I feel was our only source of hope, to help her get better. St. Jude is that single ray of light you see in the darkest places. So if your feeling you giving and want to donate pick St. Jude. If people keeps donating then the more lives they can save and the futher they can come to finding a cure for Makayla and all others.

Makayla has a webpage. Be sure to visit her and sign her guest book!

Bust a Cap

As everyone knows there has been talk about banning Americans to bare arms....or in other words keeping all them G's from carrying their ninas. In all and all this is a serious matter. Just think how much safer our country would be without them but honestly it shows that however far America has come we are still fucking stupid. How many more idiots out there use guns in violent childish antics...too many. Whatever happened to poor Billy Bob keeping his gun hung neatly on his gun rack in the back of his old beat up ford truck, hoping to shoot some meat for dinner before returning home after school? Banning guns in my opinion is smart, it would be an effective way to change however, its sicking to think that the human race has become so ugly and monster like. Im still waiting for somebody to take me to the damn range and shoot a bad ass gun. I just say keeps guns in ranges woods but off the streets. One of my friends is a hunter so I decided to bring up the issue. More and more each day after seeing how people here in the states act, a little piece of the American in me is gone. Eventually one day I shall move to an exotic far away place, where the sea creatures shall be my innocent friends.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I LOVE free things, like most people due. I know this brilliant lady who is a couponer. It is a hobby you must be completely devoted to...I envy her. After reading her blogs about all her savings I couldn't believe it! I have no skill in couponing but I did receive a free Starbucks coupon.

On a trip to Starbucks I has randomly selected for a survey, which is always printed out on the receipt. I usually never go online and fill out customer surveys but since I had downtime a work I decided too. It tool nearly 5 minutes and I received a free drink after finishing. So the next time you see the survey on the receipt take the time to fill it out online. You never know what you might end up receiving for you time and business. With it being such a nasty day outside my FREE Starbucks will be an awesome treat. Hopefully there isn't some kind of limit on what your allowed to order...we'll see.

Above is this awesome dress I found On Etsy.com The uniqueness of the image and its placing is fabulous. I will be purchasing this little sun dress for sure. The seller has many more printed articles. Its definitely something to check out!
Here is the sellers URL: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5355674

New and Fresh

I want to totally renavate my blog. I want it to be fresh a new and informative. So bare with me as I begin to redo it all!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rainy Day

I always say I need to write but I never do. I am so ready for summer. The thought of summer being so close keeps me going. The thought of putting my feet into Sugar Creek excites me like no other. Or for once being able to sit outside of Main & Maple and watch all of Nicholasville drive by. The calmest I ever feel is laying on the cool ground with the sun kissing my skin as is the good Lord put a blanket overtop of me, feeling in that moment safe and warm. I love that feeling, spring and summer is happiness.

I wish I had an exciting life, where I could tell all the great things that happened in a day’s time but as my days on earth increase they seem more and more uneventful and useless. I need some kind of change. The most recent time I felt alive is when I had a tattoo gun penetrate against my skin. To feel a certain kind of controlled exhilarating pain brings me comfort, to know that I am still human, I still exist, I am still alive. It allows me to breathe heavier, noticeable to the eye, allows my heart to beat hard in the canal of my chest, to pulsate my body allowing the blood rush and pump. It’s an amazing feeling. It’s hard to explain exactly how I feel, how this certain emotion comes over me when lying in a tattoo chair. How I can feel controlled, feel adrenaline, feel pain, feel joy, feel terror… its just an incredible time frame. When I’m done I look at something beautiful, something that means a great deal to me. It also documents those moments when I was lying there; allows me to remember “I am alive”.

Well I'm ready for another one. My new one is beautiful and I can’t wait to add on to it. As soon as the artist was finished I already felt that I owned this orchid…that is was a part of me. I realize that a rib cage tattoo is painful but I am so down and ready for it, however my bank account isn’t. I am not one to get a tattoo just for the hell of it. Its an experience to me, its heartfelt, its endurance and passion… its beautiful.

All though I do realize I might be really crazy. J but that’s okay because I'm just me!

Monday, March 9, 2009


First of all I changed my layout to something more fresh. The warmer weather has got me into a rather awesome mood. I hate the cold; something about it always puts me in a bad mood. Happiness just comes along with spring and summer.

Second of all I am so upset that I dont get to do anything or go anywhere for "spring break" even though I technically dont get a spring break, however I could really use a spring break. All the other kiddos are relaxing and having a great time while I am still stuck in the real world.

Third of all I have had some major problems with my closest friends in the past few days. I wont explain every detail but i would like to talk about my feelings. Its hard when someone talks you down to your face when you know you are doing the best you can. Its also really heard when these people are one minded and feel they are always right. What my 2 best friends said to me stabbed my heart. It was the kind of hurt where you feel your stomach turn and your eyes water. I do the best I can with what I've got and if I cant do something than I just cant. Its not about walking out on them or not wanting to but as bas as I wish it wasnt true I can not afford it physically and mentally. As easy as that is said I still get the beat down, bitching me out as if i had did something majorly wrong. My life in none of anyones business and I am tired of people butting in telling me how to live my life when they can barely live thier own. She is my friend, one of my best friends but I really at this point have no desire to speak or see her for a while. I still hurt and she keeps saying hurtful things when none of it is her place to open her mouth. I realize I keep rambling but Im so done with the bull shit and I work to damn hard to have a college student tell me how to live my life when they have everything spoon feed to them. Im living in the real world and at the end of the day all I have is my self.

Fourth, I was sucked back into old habit a little bit over the weekend. It was just like how it used to be but this time my heart was missing and I was reminded why I had to quit. Not in till the next day when I got word of a accident was I scared. As tears welled in my eyes I realized "damn I still care". Deep down I know that I'll be happier without such habit but its hard when the habit strums your heart.

Fifth, speaking of habit...Im going to try to quit smoking today. I left my 2 cigs in the car which is about a block away from the office. I have a feeling that by lunch I'll be walking over there! But this is my first attempt to quit. I know like all other habits I would feel so much better if I cut it!